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一、Directions: There are 50 words in the following, and the initial letter of each word has been given , please translate them into English. (30%)

1. 参与,参加 P_________ 2. 释放,发表R ________

3. 合理的,有公道的 ­R____________ 4. 稳定的,稳固的,马厩 S___________

5. 引起,产生(电,热等)G__________6. 创造性的 C______________

7.送交,递送(v.) D __________ 8. 昏暗,阴暗的 D____________

9. 减轻,减缓(v.) R______________ 10. 猛冲,刺进,纵身投入 P_____________

11. 观察,遵守(v.) O___________ 12. 单独的,唯一的 S___________

13. 人工的,人造的A_____________ 14. 捐款,贡献(v.) C_____________

15. 足够的,充分的 S____________

16.全神贯注,集中(v.) C___________ 17. 假如,若是 P ___________

18. 量,数量Q _____________ 19. 争论,争执 D_____________ 20. 询问,打听I_________________ 21. 装置,设备,手段 D______________

22. 特别,尤其(adv.) P__________ 23. 保持,保留(v.) R______________

24. 最小值,最小量 M____________ 25.谦虚的,适度的 M___________________

26. 真正的,非人造的G____________ 27有区别的,清楚的,明确的 D_________

28管制,控制,调节(v.) R ___________ 29. 广阔的,巨大的 V________________

30. 扩大,扩张,膨胀(v.) E__________________

二、Directions: Translate the following words into Chinese. (30%)

1. valid ­­­ ___________ 2. abuse ___________ 3. considerable ______________

4.convert ___________ 5. sustain___________ 6. resist ­____________

7.undergo ___________ 8.definite ____________ 9. submit _______________

10. breed _____________ 11. stuff__________ 12. exposure ­­­­______________

13. dense_____________ 14. maintain_____________ 15. approximate ___________

16.comment__________ 17. contrast _____________ 18. pitch _______________

19. impose ______________ 20. violent____________ 21. crash_____________

22. dim______________ 23. affair ___________ 24. accomplish _____________

25. generate ______________ 26. fade____________ 27. procedure____________

28. debate ____________ 29. perspective ____________30.assess__________

三、Directions: Use the given word on the left to form another word to complete each of the following sentences. (10%)

1. effect We found the tablets quite ________in relieving pain.

2. qualify The company is having difficulty getting enough properly_________ staff members.

3. object A jury’s decision in a court must be made ___________ .

4. comfort It was my friends’ __________ twords that pulled me through those difficult days.

5.significance Don’t waste time over some __________points. Let’s focus our attention on the most serious problem we are now facin-shortness of money

6. tight There is something wrong with the chair because this screw needs _________ .

7. tour To attract ____________ , the travel agency has come up with several completely new programs.

8. continue Our journey was slow because the train stopped ________ at different villages.

9. urge The doctor received an _________call from the parents of the infured child.

10. respect As the body of the religious leader was carried through the crowd,people drew back _________. 四、Directions: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. (20%)

1. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high _______, or down frightening hillsides to towns lying in deep valleys..

A. rocks

B. cliffs

C. roads

D. paths

2. Regardless of his metod, an inventor is working to obtain a _______ result: the construction of a harvesting machine or the burning og a light bulb.

A. single



D. specific

3. Professors don’t have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students to be able to exhaust the reference ______in the library.

A. selections

B. collections

C. sources

D. origins

4. In these programs, the young people get to know the procedures for registration and student avising, university rules, the _________ of the library and all the other major services of the college or university.

A. appllication



D. utility

5. Without proper lessons, you could ______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A. keep up

B. catch up

C. pick up

D.draw up

6. All the key words in the article are printed in _______ type so as to attract readers’ attention.

A. dark

B. bold



7. None of the servants were _______ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message

A. available

B. approachable

C. attainable


8. What he told us about the affair simply doesn’t make any ______.


B. idea

C. meaning


9. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly _______.

A. gaps



D. distance

10. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t _____ anything.

A. withdraw

B. omit

C. reduce

D. incline

11. The children should learn to be independent, for it is impossible for parents to _______them from every danger.

A. field

B. relieve

C. shield


12. He couldn’t bear the pain caused by cancer and_______ suicide.

A. conducted

B. sweated

C. committed

D. deliberated

13. The mother, a(n)_______ lady dressed in the latest fashion, walded behind her sons.

A. elaborate

B. elegant

C. precise

D. elder

14. Monkey King is just an _______ character in the novel.

A. imaginative


C. imaginal


15. The country’s economy must be _______ to wartime requirement.



C. fit

D. geared

16. It is not easy to learn English well but if you______, you will succeed in the end.

A.hang up

B.hang about

C. hang on

D.hang onto

17. The manager lost his ______just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

A. mood


C. mind

D. passion

18. The tomato juice left brown_______ on the front of my jacket.

A. spot

B. point

C.without effect

D.at a loss

19. The car ______ halfway for no reason.

A.broke off

B.broke down

C. broke up

D. broke out

20. As a result of careless washing the jacket_______ to a child’s size.

A. compressed

B. shrank

C. dropped


五、Directions: From the four choices given, choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence:(10%)

1. He Claimed that he could create live fish out of chemcals.

A. asserted B. demanded C. argured D. announced

2. The search was called off when the fog got thicker.

A. started B.canceled C. postponed D. continued

3. Let’s pool out resources and get the job done quickly.

A. use up B. put together C. conserve D. store up

4. Mrs Jones identified the suspect by the scar on his face.

A. recognized B. found out C.discovered D. coincided

5. The landlady could not accommodate us because all her rooms were bllded.

A. adapt us B. put up with us C. put us up D. help us 6. It was here that the scattered forces of the revolution assembled in the autumn of 1928..

A.resembled B. huddled C. concentrated D. gathered together

7. The economec crisis has seriously affected French exports.

A. stimulated B. simulated C. influenced D. increased 8. What it amounts to is simply that he is not willing to give us his support.

A. means B. matters C. reaches D. signals 9. What he is after is neither money nor fame, but the satisfaction of seeing his students grow up into useful builders of socialism.

A. in pursuit of B. looking after C.trying to do D. advocating 10. A judge must be detached when weighing evidence..

A. interested B. disinterested C. separated D. disconnected


一 1. Participate 2. release 3. reasonable 4. stable 5. generate 6.creative 7. deliver 8. dim 9. relieve 10. observe 11. plunge 12. sole 13. artificial 14. contribute 15. sufficient 16. concentrate 17. provided 18. quantity 19.dispute 20. inquire 21. device 22.particularly 23.retain 24. minimum 25.modest26. genuine 27. distinctive 28. regulate 29. vast 30. expand 二 1. 有效的 2。 滥用 3。 大量的4。 转化 5。 支撑, 维持 6。 抵制 7。

三1。 Effective 2. qualified 3. objectively 4. comforting 5. insignificant 6. tightening 7. tourist 8. continually 9. urgent 10. respectfully

四2. d 3. c 4. d 5. c 6-10 b a a b b 11-15 cc b b d 16-20 cb a b 五.1-5d b b a c 6-10 d a a b单词竞赛1 一、 1.applicant 2. idle 3. inevitable 4. poverty(poor) 5. bargain 6. interfere 7. accumulate 8. urgent 9. status 10. adequate 11. grant 15. offensive 16. swallow 17. account 18. attack 19. considerate 20. outstanding 21. arrangement 22. split 23. optimistic 24. gloomy 25. extroverted 26. prematurely 27. subjective 28. injustice 29. astonishment 30. forgivable 二、 1. 沈默寡言 2。构成包括 3。 至高的至上的 4。 更好的更可取的 5。纠正医治 6。 决心 7.令人讨厌的人或事 8。抓搔乱擦 9。收回撤销取钱提款 10。夸张 11。地位情形 12.有……倾向的 13。疲倦耗尽 14。消费消耗 15。 根本的基础的 16。慷慨的 17。同意赞成 18.打扰打搅 19。 混淆 20。 强烈的 21。激励刺激 22。特色 23。 尴尬的 24。宣告 25.胜过 26。允许的 27。竞争的竞争对抗 28。不止羞耻的不谦虚的 29。冒犯的令人不快的 30。津贴零用钱 三、 1.enabled 2. comparatively 3. impression 4. patience 5. permissible 6. weakness 7. arrival 8. responsibility 9. attraction 10. beneficial 四、 AABAB/ DCDDB/DCCAA/BDCBB 五、 1.tradition 2. eventually 3. victim 4. overwhelming 5. outspoken 6. intimate 7. on the spot 8. arranged 9. omitted 10. illusion


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